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Average flow in a sentence

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Sentence count:21+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2023-08-08Updated:2023-08-08
Similar words: average wagesaverage rateaveragegeneral averageaverage outon averageaverage monthly wageaverage time
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(1) The average flow of the river is 200 cubic metres per second.
(2) Furthermore, the time history and spectrum of the average flow velocity through an orifice are computed, from which the nonlinear distortion of flow velocity is analyzed.
(3) The average flow rate along the channel axes of the molten channel is in direct proportion to the magnetic flux density and in inverse proportion to the square root of the density of the molten metal.
(4) On the basis of the weighted average flow velocity, approximate formula for calculation of fluid resistance ratio in eccentric and non-eccentric sprial channels was deduced.
(5) NLF 9 provides better - average flow rate and consequently lower pressure loss.
(6) Using theriver's annual average flow of 84bn cubic metres of water, it wasagreed that Egypt had the right to use 55.5bn cubic metres a year, withSudan's share at 18.5bn cubic metres.
(7) Rather, it was lower than the minimum average flow for August.
(8) Employing the average flow model and asperity contact model, a theoretical analysis for piston rings lubrication condition has been presented.
(9) The results show that the average flow velocity increases with the flow discharge and the slope gradient in an exponential form, and the slope gradient has greater effect on velocity than discharge.
(10) The average flow of the river is 350 cubic metres per second.
(11) The theoretical computation of average flow velocity in the gap also is introduced.
(12) Under the same impeller outlet speed, the flow speed of blade diffuser is faster than the vaneless one. The average flow field at impeller outlet trends to uniform.
(13) In the week to December 10, bond funds saw a weekly outflow of $0.9 billion on a four-week average, according to JP Morgan( flow.html), while equities drew an average flow of $2.6 billion.
(14) According to the record of ancient documents, this paper gives the possible structure of Li Lan's steelyard clepsydra, and demonstrates the principle for the stabilization of average flow velocity.
(15) The hydrodynamic governing equation was derived based on the average flow model of Patir-Cheng and the contact factor of Weibull asperity height distribution.
(16) In the similarity analysis of floods, the extension model is developed which takes the average water level and average flow of key stations as two characteristic indices.
(17) Based on the equation of action line for cycloidal pump, a geometrical mathematical model is built to solve instantaneous flow, displacement, average flow and the pulsation of the pump.
(18) The development tendency of annual maximum flood peak and annual average flow is similar.
(19) The average fund flow into what turned out to be the worst-performing sector over the subsequent 12-month period was $166m; the average flow into the best was only $72m.
(20) The flow pulsation in a plane-parallel gear pump with 3-idlers was analyzed, formulae for calculating displacement, average flow velocity, instantaneous flow and pulsation flow were derived.
(21) It also discusses the location and installation of Pitot tube and introduces the way to determine the average flow rate from the central flow rate inside a pipe measured by the Pitot tube.
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  • MBWUpmEH 2023-09-24 13:24:54
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